Wednesday's training

Earl C.
on 3/14/07 12:44 pm - Circleville, OH
Tuesday took a slug day for my birthday, yep I'm old. Wednesday 1:30 pm to 3:15 pm @ Power Shack 20 min warmup Close Grip lockouts on floor Medium Grip lockouts and holds on floor Incline DB Press 1 Arm DB  Press DB Laterals 1 Arm DB Rows Narrow Grip Pulldowns Shrugs with barbell then went home, changed shoes and did 20 minutes of throwing drills Earl
Neecee O.
on 3/14/07 11:03 pm - CA
You did good - hey even the slug day has its purpose! Tuesday: light hike with DH after work in a cool area the feds just opened. China garden.  Also did some yoga, ab work on the ball that morning:  200 crunches, 24 girl push ups Wednesday:  big bike ride in hills, ~65 minutes, then I had a blow out, walked it home another 20 minutes. Also hoofed the bike up Teton Drive (yup it is, too) for 5 minutes or so.  \ Also did about 15 minutes of vinyassa flow yoga Wed. morning - woke up sluggish, had to get body engaged! That day I felt kind of head-achy, but nothing came of it.  Funny, I got all better when I left work and it was time to ride my bike.  I think it was a serious case of work-itis. Thursday:  walk 75 minutes with skinny young thing from work. I need to get off this puter and do some ball crunches.
~Beautiful Dreamer~
on 3/14/07 11:19 pm - Pinellas County, FL

Happy b-day (all be it that I'm late!) Recovering pretty well from my gallbladder surgery.  Had some minor issues with foods but that seems to have resolved itself. My trainer had to cancel our normal Monday session and reschedule it to Wednesday due to a child being sick.  I understand that!  So I didnt mind doing my own work out then.  Yeah I know :) Didnt post it but life has been busy! Wednesday: 20 Minute warm up on the Cross-trainer (Arc-trainer) 10 Minute leg warm-ups using the skills I learned in Taekwondo, my personal trainer watched me since our session hadnt officially started yet. -Session Begins- Yay! for arms!  Started off with: Push-ups!  3 sets of 12 (I am improving a lot!  It was a struggle to even do 8 when I started) Sit-ups with the ball 3 sets of 12 and one set of 15 (I do not feel sit-ups any other way oddly) Arm-lifts with free weights at two pounds at 4 sets of 12 reps (yeah, 2 sounds little until you get to #8-12)! 5 minutes on the Eliptical (65+ RPM) Leg-presses, 4 sets of 15 at 120 lbs Tricep extentions, 4 sets of 12 at 20 lbs (again... 20 sounds little until 8-12)! Squats!  Okay so I do not know exactly how many I did.  I do them across the floor in the studio!  I did it twice normal (back and forth = 1) then on the third I added the side kicks to make it work more muscles.  Squat, Side Kick, step, squat, side kick, step, etc. Lower back!  Here we go!  Yay!  I actually enjoy this one despite feeling my back yell.  It's great because I can work my butt too!  4 sets of 8 here.   Then we rounded it all of with more Arc-Trainer!  5 minutes and work-it work-it work-it.  My trainer controls the resistance and height / incline, I just ignore it and keep on treading along.  :D That was it!  Went home cleaned up, went to school and was nummified by the boredom that is Keyboarding Class!  Hope everyone is well! Oh!  :D Weighed in at 199! -B-

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