my triathlon experince

on 3/5/07 7:37 am
My surgeon recommended I post my story, so here goes... I am one year post op...and just about 100 lbs lighter.  My starting weight was 289 and today I am 194lbs.  I was always into sports, played in high school and college, but got away from it somewhat as my weight kept increasing.  After a while it was too hard to do these sports I had done my whole life.  So, when I was getting my lap band, I told my surgeon that was something I wanted to get back into.  4 months post-op I signed up for my most dredded activity...running.  It was a summer run series.  I figured it would keep me motivated to exercise.  And it did.  And even stranger...I felt me actually getting excited for the races.  Now, let me remind you, I wasn't winning any awards for coming in first or anything.  But the first race was 5 miles...I knew I wasn't going to be able to run it, but I figured I would do my best.  I ran some...walked some and finished the race.  I shed a tear or two crossing the finish line because I had never done that before and I was so proud of myself.  So, one thing led to another and my friend suggested entering into a sprint triathlon...1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run.  I thought she was nuts, but decided to go for it.  It was so motivational, I couldn't believe I was actually going to do this.  So, when the day came...exactle 6 months after my surgery ( and 70lbs lighter), now at about 220lbs...I completed my first sprint triathlon!  It was amazing.  I was jogging the last 1/4 mile thinking to myself, "Oh my God...six months ago you were almost 300 lbs with little hope in the future for a healthy lifestyle and now you are completing this race."  It was surreal.  Tears came to my eyes as they announced my name as I crossed the finish line.  I couldn't believe how far I had come.  So, the bottom line is..If I can do it...anyone can do it!
Earl C.
on 3/5/07 9:21 am - Circleville, OH

That's great Katie. Very motivational.

Rob S.
on 3/5/07 10:32 am - DE

Katie, That is excellent.  I just completed a 30-day triathalon last month, and look forward to doing my first sprint in August.  The surgery has also provided me with opportunities that four years ago I never would have dreamed could become reality.  Keep us posted on your next achievement. Rob  

on 3/7/07 4:52 am

Thanks!  What is a 30-day triathalon?? Never heard of it.  Good luck on your first sprint...they are fun.  Just when you feel exhausted from one move on to a different one.  I have a few coming up this in Disney in May, very excited about that one.   Well good luck with everything.

Rob S.
on 3/7/07 9:21 am - DE
The 30-day tri is sponsored by CONTACT Mid-Atlantic.  In 30-days you need to complete (2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles biking, and 26 miles running).  It was fun and gave me the motivation I needed to get to the gym in the cold month of Feb.   It also was my first time back in the water and getting those laps in proved tough.  I got in over 300 miles on the bike and 57 miles running during the 30-days.  Other than a few sprints this year, my plan is to do events separately.  My goal right now is to complete a half-marathon next Sunday (Ceasar Rodney) and one early next year at Disney World.    I have a 200-mile ride in Germany in May planned, and several 150-mile MS rides in June and October. I find that having these events scheduled monthly is a great motivator.  I used to be concerned that I was in the lower third of finishers in these events.  Then I realized that I was one of the 400-2,000 people participating in the events.  Just think of all the people who have never even participating.  I beat every one of them. Good luck with your next endeavor.
on 3/5/07 12:41 pm - Upland, CA
That is so inspiring thank you so much for sharing your story! Enjoy every moment of your weight loss success
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