Monday's workouts
Squat day
12:15 pm to 1:35 pm @ power shack
20 min warmup
Front Squat (first time front squatting since ACL went bad, broke PR after not doing front squats for 5 or 6 weeks)
Partial Front Squat
Romanian Deadlifts
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm @ work
1 legged curls superset Calf press
3 min stepper (just playing)
30 min walking treadmill 3 mph level 5
Feeling strong today. I'm ahead of last year at this time even with the bad knee.
Do it because most people won't.
Hey Earl! I've been MIA on here for a while... that life stuff..., but I haven't been missing at the gym! 10 - 15 minutes on the old treadmill, 3.2, no incline
60 minute group weight lifting class - I've been able to up my weight slightly on the squat routine and double it on the chest routine, but still can't get it higher on the triceps, bicepses, shoulders, etc.
45 minute spin class