Have Lost My Will

Susan O.
on 2/19/07 4:49 am - Atlanta, GA

I want to be LYnn when I grow up!! Ok, I lost my will to excerise on Dec. 4th, 2006. I know the exact date because I was traveling away from home. Somehow, I just never started again. And I can't think of a way to get back to it. It all seems so tiring. I love to run, but mostly outdoors and it is a bit nippy for that. I also like spinning. I know you all are going to ask me what I like doing. I used to motivate myself by using my favorite shower gel only when I had worked out, but I started to cheat on that front, so it currently isn't working as a motivator.  Any thoughts? Sue  

on 2/19/07 6:14 am, edited 2/19/07 6:24 am
I am SOOOO not a motivated person, so here's what it took for me...I made several different length CDs of my favorite songs to help me out.   I started each cd with moderate-speed songs for a warm-up period, then put the faster ones in the middle for the amount of time I want to "work it", then ended it with moderate-slow songs for the wind-down.  Deciding what songs to use helped prepare me mentally to get back into it.   All I have to do is decide which genre I want to use (country, current dance hits, etc) and select the length of time I want to work out (both are written on the CD).  I DO NOT wear a watch or look at a clock so it goes by fairly fast.  When I hear the "middle song" I know I've reached my half-way mark (If you're jogging/running outdoors, the middle song would be the point to head back) and when the cd is done, so am I.   Best of luck, Deb
Susan O.
on 2/19/07 6:57 am - Atlanta, GA
Deb, That is a great suggestion. I think I am going to try to put at least one hour's worth together tonight. I am going to try and get motivated to do spin class tomorrow. Thanks again, Sue
Neecee O.
on 2/19/07 10:25 am - CA
I also love my music (I have an I-pod), and I download podcasts, too.  All due respect, but....How nippy can it be in FL? My 70 year old mom gets out in Illinois even now while it is FREEZING...Can you wear layers? Being outside is very much motivating for me.  It doesn't feel like exercising! On days when I just don't got it, I lie to myself and say, okay, ten minutes then get back inside. As you know, the hard part is getting our behinds out the door! Chances are, once you get going, you will do an hour. You say you feel tired - maybe try punking up your B vitamins? Have your iron checked, too. I feel tired when I don't exercise, i really do. It's the weirdest thing...invest some energy and get it back in spades best of luck...hope you find your groove again!
Susan O.
on 2/19/07 8:07 pm - Atlanta, GA
Actually, it has been the coldest 4 days of the year here. But you are right, of course, there is no good excuse. I am more "tired of it", that tired. Although I KNOW that I would have a lot more energy if I would work out.  I am treating myself today to a later spin class. Maybe that will help me get to the early spin class tomorrow. Here's hoping.
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