New to This Board and Concerned

on 2/13/07 9:52 pm - Northern Lower, MI
Hi WLS/Exercise Friends: I am 14 months out from my surgery, down 110 lbs., and am 11 from goal.  I've never really been a "regimented" exercise person...I much prefer organized sports, walks with the dog, swimming, gardening, etc., etc.  However, a month and a half ago (as the weather started to turn colder) I joined a gym and I "workout" 4 - 5 days a week.  Although I don't really push myself hard (I'm there to just move and tone vs. bulk up) I feel like I should be much stronger and able to do more.  That's where I am concerned. I started out walking a mile on the treadmill at 3.5 mph (which took about 16 minutes) and then tried to do another 10 minutes on either the elliptical or the bike (both of those just kill me.)  Then I did a couple of different arm exercises, using 5 lb. free weights, and did 2-3 reps of ten each.  Then I move on to the ab crunch machine and do about 50 reps at 105 lbs.  Moral of the story is, I have now moved up to two miles on the treadmill...can sometimes increase my time to 12 minutes on the bike/elliptical...but can't seem to be able to increase anything else.  I thought for sure that after a month and a half I would be able to lift more than 5 lbs.  What the heck???  I feel like such a weakling!  Any advice?  Am I not doing something right? Maria

Chris G.
on 2/14/07 5:28 am
Maria, First, congratulations on the weight loss!  Alright, this is where physiology gets tricky. There is a theory in the scientific community that I call the Break Theory.  For some reason, if a person does weight training AND aerobic training at the same time, there is less improvement in strength.  The theory is that the added energy and protein that endurance training demands, places a ceiling on a muscle's growth and response to weight training.  I would suggest taking a 20 or 30 minute break between weights and aerobic exercise.  This period of rest may help your muscles respond better to weight training.  Additionally, you should maybe try flexibility won't do much for your strength gains, but it will help increase your range of motion. Also, you may want to try doing weight training only 2 or 3 days a week.  Your muscles may not have enough recovery, which slows the progress in tone and strength.  Hope this helps! Chris
on 2/14/07 9:50 pm - Northern Lower, MI
Hi Chris: Thanks for your input.  I really appreciate it.    Perhaps I will do the aerobic/cardio exercises on say Monday, Wednesday, and Fri, and then focus more time and attention on the weight training but only on Tuesday and Thursday.  As I am typing this, I see that this might make more sense.  Maybe then I won't be so tuckered out and both aspects will improve. Thanks again, and wish me luck! Maria

Earl C.
on 2/14/07 11:12 am - Circleville, OH

Hey Maria, I think you answered your own question..."Although I don't really push myself hard ".  If you're concerned about getting bulky (isn’t going to happen unless you have a mustache darker than mine) when you push yourself, you will never improve your strength because your head's not in it.  You have to "want it" and work for it.  Try this instead of 2-3 sets of 10 with 5 # with curls (or whatever) 1 set of 10 with 5 # rest 1 minute 1 set of 6-8 reps (as many as you can do with strict form) with 10# rest 1 minute 1 set with 5 # - do as many as you can get in strict form...don't stop until you can't lift your arm more than half way. ( I bet you get more than 10) Write down how many you did each set. Next week...beat it. When you can do 10 reps with 10# on the second set start the first set and 3rd set with 10# and use 15# on the 2nd set. This might not sound Politically Correct, bu****ch how the guys train and start training like them. You won't turn into a guy, I promise, but you'll love the results. Good luck. Earl

on 2/14/07 10:01 pm - Northern Lower, MI

Hi Earl:

Thanks for the tips.  I think I am going to split up my cardio/aerobic and weight training into different days.  Then I can focus a little more on each activity.  And, I will definitely try your suggestion.  I'll "warm up" with the 5 pounders,  try  and move on to the 10 pounders, and then cool off with the 5 pounders again.  Who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself?!  I'm assuming that I should probably increase my protein on those days as well.

Thanks for the reply.  If I start sprouting chest and back hair...I'll blame it all on you!  Maria



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