Workout Questions

on 2/6/07 5:40 pm - Tyrone, GA
Revision on 06/17/23
Hi I am Kim and new to this forum. I had my surgery on the 18th of Jan and now that I am clear to exercise where should I start? I went to my first bariatric meeting last night and from everyone that was there they said that now is the time to start good exercise habits as well as eating habits. So What da hell should I be doing?I am starting Curves today. Should I be doing that 5 times a wee****il I plateau and then switch up? Should I do Curves three times a week and something else in between? I know it will be a minute before I start being able to do real weights but what else do I need to do? I am trying to get things in gear so that I can utilize this tool as much as possible. Thanks in advance for your help.
Neecee O.
on 2/6/07 11:02 pm - CA
Hi Kim!  Your curves store should have a "trainer" there.  I would ask that person to advise you.  Curves is a great way to start out if you have rarely exercised.  If it were me, I would start with 3x weekly at curves, and possibly 1-2x weekly outside walking.  I'd be afraid to get burned out doing any one thing every day - don't get bored! IMPORTANT:  Right now, it is more important to establish your habit, so do something most days (6 of 7 days if possible), even if it's only 20 minutes to a half hour.  You will need to build from there, but you'll know when to do that.   On the days when you REALLY don't want to go - go anyway, even for 10 minutes.  Again, this is a time to establish your habit.  Good luck and come back here and keep us posted!
Earl C.
on 2/7/07 12:31 am - Circleville, OH
Hey Kim, I'm glad you understand how important good habits are at this point. Someone once advised me use the first 6 months to get your head straight, because the old hunger and habit will sneak up on you after 6 month to a year. I always advise walking or some kind of cardio pretty much every day, trying to build up to 45 min to an hour. (over time...don't rush into it) Plus start the curve program 3 days a week. The cardio and the resistance training are 2 different things and I think the cardio helps you recover from the resistance training faster sometimes than just sitting around taking a day off. If you feel completely spent take a day off. You'll probably have some low energy levels for a month or two, so sometimes doing a lot of little workouts throughout the day fit better.
on 2/7/07 12:39 am - Tyrone, GA
Revision on 06/17/23
Thanks for the help guys. I am determined not to fail at this and I am trying to start right now on starting good habits.
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