so proud of myself

on 1/26/07 2:11 am - IOWA PARK, TX

I got up and did a light cardio class today (30 minutes), then walked on the treadmill (30 minutes), interspersed with five-1 minute bursts of running (4.5 on the treadmill), then finished off with 5 minutes on the stair master. This from a gal that couldn't walk from the parking lot into work without huffing and puffing 6 short months ago, and I HATED to exercise.  I used to laugh at my hubby when he suggested we go for a walk.   I had to take a nap after work just to be able to get through the rest of the evening and fix dinner and get the kids bathed and ready for bed.     sad, huh-- and I'm only 32!!   Also, I started lifting light weights last week and I'm doing that MWF. 

Currently, I do ligh****er aerobics class 4 times a week (trying hard not to miss days)

then 1-2 days cardio (bike, treadmill, stairmaster)  randomly in the week. Does that sound about right?  I made a commitment to myself to get some light-moderate activity in 4 times a week or more, for an hour. 

Terri R. R
on 1/26/07 4:57 am - 'bout 45 minutes from San Francisco, CA
Go marsh, go marsh, go mar****'s your birthday, it's your birthday!  Doesn't it feel great to exercise and push your body to it's limits?  Isn't that a "good" tired feeling?  A year ago I was a couch potato.  Now, I'm the number one female weight lifter AND number one female total workouts at my gym.  I'll never be number one in just cardio.  I like weight training too much.  Keep up the good work!  The final result will be worth all the effort!!!

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Certified Personal Trainer

Earl C.
on 1/26/07 6:52 am - Circleville, OH

Sounds good to me. Good job Marsh! Earl

on 1/29/07 6:53 am - Rockville, MD
Congratulations!  Isn't it fantastic?  You have turned your life around.
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