new to exercise

on 1/25/07 11:56 pm - Newton, MA
Hi all- I am 11 weeks out from RNY and just started exercising. I am walking around the track for 15 minutes and doing the recumbent bike for 15 minutes. I feel proud of myself, but in the back of my mind worry that I am not doing enough. It seems like other people are on those machines for hours! Any advice is appreciated! Joy
Terri R. R
on 1/26/07 4:51 am - 'bout 45 minutes from San Francisco, CA

Joy,  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!  Many people become discouraged with exercise because they tend to bite off more than they can chew.  They try to do too much in the beginning.  You have a great start there with 15 minutes on the track & 15 minutes on the bike.  Now, you need to build up by adding a little more each time, push yourself a little harder.  Next week, make it a goal to do 20 minutes on the track and 20 minutes on the bike.  When, you're ready, add more variety.  At 12 weeks, I added weight training.  The first time I checked out of the machines, I had lifted a total of a little over 8,000 pounds.  Boy, was I excited!!!!  Now, I'm up to over 200,000 lbs per workout.  It took me many months and lots of hard work.  But, my body is healthier and happier.  Eat that elephant one bite at a time!  KEEP IT UP!!  YA GO GIRL!!!

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Certified Personal Trainer

on 1/26/07 6:28 am - Newton, MA
Terri- Thanks so much for your reply. This whole exercise thing is a bit of a demon for me and I want to do it right this time! I will think about adding small pieces each week. Thanks again! Joy
Earl C.
on 1/26/07 6:57 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Jkap. You're doing good. It's hard to tell you what's enough without knowing where you where and where you are healthwise. There's an old saying from a Discus guy I know "Inch by inch it's a cinch. Yard by yard it's hard." Just make little jumps, over time and eventually you'll be amazed when you look back at how far you've come. Adding 30 seconds here or there to your total time add up over time. Very few people start off running a mile the first time they try. (even the skinny ones) Consistency is the key and never quit. Good luck. Earl
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