Wednesday's workout
Squat day but with ACL issue I had to adapt it a squatting.
2:15 pm to 4 pm @ power shack (I'm on a short vacation this week)
20 min warmup including 10 on recumbent bike
Good Mornings
Olympic good mornings
Standing Calf raises in smith machine
seated calf raises
Side bends with DB
Recumbent bike 30 minutes
Stay Strong - Never Quit
I started my day with 30 minutes of yoga and headed off to work. Came home, fixed dinner (salad) for my hubby and headed off to the gym. I did 30 minutes on the cross trainer and 30 minutes on the precor as my cardio. Between the two, I did 4 sets of 25 on the ab machine at 75 lbs, 3 sets of 15 on the chest press at 75, 3 sets of 15 on the arm curl at 45, 4 sets of 25 ab crunches on the ball, and 4 sets of 25 lower leg lifts. Of course, I did my stretching before and after. Tomorrow is hard core weight training day.