Bridge The Gap To Fitness! You Up For It?

on 1/13/07 1:33 am - somewhere, KY

Never posted in here hope you all dont mind. Ok my home town is doing this thing called "walk across ky" you walk and keep a log of the miles you walk then when you have reached that magic number you will have been enough miles to walk across our state. I thought that was so great i wanted to do the same thing only diffrent here on OH so I came up with this. Bridge The Gap To Fitness I researched bridges and came up with a list ending up with the longest bridge in the world. The total miles is 170 miles. Now I know this seems impossible but if you start on Jan 22nd 2007 and walk 1 mile a day you will cross the last bridge on july 4th 2007 what better day to finish than independance day when we will be free of the chains of inactivity. So Here is a link to the forms to help you keep track and it they also tell you at what mile you will have completly crossed each bridge. Post here and let me know if you are up for the challenge to BRIDGE THE GAP TO FITNESS

Save the photos in your pictures and then print them out they should print normal 8x11 paper in the correct size to read. I WILL POST THIS MESSAGE ON THE FITNESS FORUM AND THE MAIN FORUM ALSO. GOOD LUCK ALL AND HAPPY TRAVELING!


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