
Earl C.
on 1/10/07 8:34 am - Circleville, OH
Just a little Inspiration (for me anyway). This is more in line with the stuff I do in training, but thought others might get a kick out of it. ch=
on 1/10/07 7:22 pm - Bristol, CT
Hey Earl, Thanks for sharing that piece with us. I found it fascinating the power some of thes guys have. I just have a question. With the amount of training that must be done in order for someone to be able to lift this amont of weight how is it possible that some of these guys are overweight in the belly area? I can see all the muscles in thier arms and legs but why the belly fat. Sandy
Earl C.
on 1/11/07 12:07 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Sandy,

Strength guys generally aren’t that concerned about how good they look like a bodybuilder would be. Some actually force feed junk food just to get bigger. No, it’s not healthy. The guys in this video are the best in the world, some are professionals and make they’re living lifting heavy things. In general, the big gut some of these guys have actually helps as a bigger support column during squats and overhead lifts but hurts when trying to deadlift or pick things off the ground.



Losing the gut has more to do with diet and cardio than lifting for exercise. Also when they do ab work they’re not doing crunches trying to make they’re waist smaller. They’re athletes and so do things to make the ab muscles bigger and stronger like weighted situps. There are some guys that have very little body fat, but look fat in clothes because they have so much muscle in their abs that it sticks out. Some of it has to do with some of the drugs they take too, like growth hormone. These guys are doing inhuman things. It motivates me because I can watch one of these guys squat 1100 pounds and it makes me think "Heck, I should be able to do 400 at least". Earl

on 1/11/07 1:34 am - Bristol, CT
Hi Earl,   Thanks for the explanation! Is was one of my "Hmn I wonder why kind of a thing" I knew if anyone could answer my question it would be you. I enjoy reading your posts about what you are doing and you seem to be quite knowledgeable about the subject. Thanks again Sandy
Earl C.
on 1/11/07 7:25 am - Circleville, OH
Thanks Sandy, Jump right in and start posting your workouts too. Earl
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