Flab around the thighs/knees

Sandy W.
on 1/10/07 8:37 pm - Manassas, VA
I work out religiously at least 4 times per week (goal is 6 times per week).  I workout on the elipitcal for 80 minutes at a time and lift weight on a circuit 2 to 3 times per week (go every other day weights/cardio).  I need help with my flab around the thighs/knees.  Any suggestions on good exercies/machines that will help with this? Sandy 357/185/165
April R.
on 1/12/07 11:58 pm - plymouth, MA
Dumbell Lunges.. lunges.. lunges.. lunges.. at least 2x a week.. (squats in the same sequence have also really helped my legs).. start at 7.5/8 lbs.. do 12 reps on each leg.. after both legs wait 1 min.. then 10lbs @ 10 reps.. 1min wait 12.51lbs. @ 8 reps.. 1 min wait 15lbs @ 6 reps.. 1 min wait Then go back to 12.5lbs. for 12 reps.. no wait then do deadlifts with the 7.5 lbs for 12 reps.. same muscle different exercise.. it really helps I do BFL.. http://www.bodyforlife.com/exercise/weighttraining.asp I'm on my 11th week and it has really changed the shape of my body.. I'm actually working out way less then I was but I have gotten better results because I have upped the anti on my workouts.. even though they are now shorter.. I guess they are more focused and intense which has given me major results.  At first.. didn't beleive that the shorter more focused thing would work.. but now that I've done it I've realized I was wasting so much time at the gym. hope this helps April R
Sandy W.
on 1/15/07 11:44 pm - Manassas, VA
Thanks.  I'm not doing any lunges so I think I'l give it a try. Will let you know what results I see/get. Sandy 357/185/165
Chris G.
on 1/24/07 3:15 am
The thighs, legs, and arms are the hardest places to lose weight, unfortunately.  The exercises above are good, but realize that it will take time.  The longer you go on your exercise and diet regimen (hopefully for the rest of your life) you will lose that extra fat.  Just keep exercising and eating healthy...that's the most important part.  Also realize that fat and muscle are not dependent on each other.  They can exist at the same time and in the same place.  Keep doing the cardio with a low intensity (a good pace is if you're able to carry on a normal conversation while you're exercising) and you will see results.  Good luck!
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