Would really appreciate your input!

on 1/9/07 9:44 pm - Summit, MS
I've been stuck in the 150's for months now.  I work out at the gym on weight machines 2-3 times per week, most recently 2 times per week.  I use the Leslie Sansome WATP DVDs, was using 4 miles super challenge, now I'm using the 5 mile Advanced Walk, about 5 days per week.  This week I've been increasing the walk to 7 miles and am drinking 2-3 protein shakes per day with a light supper.  The scales are still very stubborn. Have I gained too much muscle?  Could this be possible??  My personal goal is to reach 130 (I'm 5'2").  My two year anniversary is in June and I really wanted to reach that goal by then.  I would appreciate any advice anyone can give.  Thanks. Becky
Chris G.
on 1/9/07 11:56 pm, edited 1/10/07 2:41 am
Hey blondie! Is the protein shakes and the light supper all you're eating?  You may want to change that around and eat more diverse meals that contain carbs, protein, and fat (the unsaturated kind).  You've hit what some exercise physiologists call your setpoint (the weight at which your body can become accustomed to function).  It will be hard to lose that weight, but it is possible.  Women DO NOT "bulk up" from exercising with weights...unless they take steroids.  I doubt that's the case with you.  What I think is happening goes to your eating habits.  I don't know what kind or brand of protein shake you are using, so I will just go with what I know as to how your body goes from burning carbs to burning fat. Your body has to burn carbs in order to burn fat.  If you are not giving your body enough carbs, then your body has an EXTREMELY hard time burning fat because your body goes from burning pure carbs to burning fat with carb burning in the background if you will.  If you eat more fruits, veggies, and whole-grain breads or pastas throughout the day (I recommend eating the breads & pasta in the morning and lunch) your body will be able to accurately go through its energy cycles completely and actually burn fat.  The veggies can be included in your supper as well as grilled chicken.  This is just a guide to help you...if you want a more detailed analysis I would consult a registered dietician that knows exactly what your daily caloric needs are and all that good stuff.  Hope I helped! Chris Gillette
on 1/10/07 1:28 am - Summit, MS
Thanks for your reply, Chris.  You've made a lot of sense.  I guess I was just trying to drastically change my eating habits to see if my body could be shocked into losing. I'm gonna try and switch up some and see if that helps.  Thanks again! Becky
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