Help please

on 1/7/07 11:26 am - somewhere, IL
I would like to start walking more. I walk anywhere from one mile to two 3 to 5 times a week. I would like to get into the 5 k walking marathons. I know I am probable not ready for that but would like to start training to get read. I mean You dont have to run it do you. Cant I just walk it. I would be so pround of myself if I could just walk it.  But dont know where to start. I need to find friends that like to walk in my area. How do I do this. Help lov marie

Love Marie        My Space          I am a Army mom     

on 1/16/07 2:23 am - Lawrence, IN
Marie, I have the same goal.  Many many years ago when I was in the Navy, I was doing a couple 5Ks a month and I only walked them.  The walkers usually start after the runners have started so us slow pokes don't get in their way.  I live in Indianapolis so did a search online for races and found a page that lists all the races for every month.  Maybe there will be one for your area too.  I had surgery 9 months ago and have lost 140 pounds so now I'm excited to start doing 5Ks again.  I'm hoping to do my first one on February 10th, but my wife said that is too soon.  We'll see. Good luck. Floyd

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