
on 1/7/07 3:48 am - Columbus, OH
3 mile walk at Blacklick Park - yeah!!! The drought is over. Have a great day!
Sharyn 307/148/145.....165 (need to focus)
on 1/7/07 6:42 am - Columbus, OH
Funny thing Neecee, you've seen MUCH more snow that I have this year. Oh crap, I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
Sharyn 307/148/145.....165 (need to focus)
Earl C.
on 1/7/07 10:11 am - Circleville, OH
Sounds nice Neecee. Too cold here. But Sharyn seemed to brave it. I must be a wuss.
on 1/7/07 10:40 am - Columbus, OH
It was not even that cold today!
Sharyn 307/148/145.....165 (need to focus)
Earl C.
on 1/7/07 11:00 am, edited 1/7/07 11:08 am - Circleville, OH

Yes it was.  It was like 137 degrees below zero today...then there was that wind chill factor with the 90 mile an hour winds. Plus you're in the warm low country in Columbus. I'm in the mountains ranges of Grove City. It gets colder up here with the thin air. or I just wanted to sleep in.

Earl C.
on 1/7/07 10:13 am - Circleville, OH
Welcome back Sharyn. Good job. Was that the Commit to be Fit walk in the park thing? I saw a commercial for that. My workout today... 8 pm @ work gym walk treadmill 45 min up to level 15 up to 4 mph 2.55 miles Tried some interval stuff today, walked level 10 at 3.5 mph for 4 minutes then jacked it up to level 15 and up to 4 mph for a min, then repeat. I just can't run but this made me work for it. Weekend's over. Stay strong Earl
on 1/7/07 10:42 am - Columbus, OH
I always forget about those Commit to be Fit walks. I guess I should look them up. I just went out and walked on my own.
Sharyn 307/148/145.....165 (need to focus)
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