Tell Your WLS Story to ObesityHelp in AZ!

Cathy W.
on 1/5/07 3:56 pm

ObesityHelp is conducting video interviews in Phoenix on Monday, January 8th at the Residence Inn near Metro Center.  If you live, or will be, in the Phoenix area, we would love for you to join us and tell your weight loss surgery story!

By sharing your story on video, you can help millions of obese people who need options and hope by hearing your personal experience of weight loss and health improvement.

The interviews will be very casual and comfortable for you to talk about your story, and last approximately 30 to 50 minutes. 

If you would like to participate, we'd love to hear from you as soon as possible.  Space is limited so we want to make sure to include everyone that wants to be interviewed.  Rather than reply to this post, please contact either Bruce or Cathy directly:

Bruce Battoe [email protected]

Cathy Wilson [email protected]

Please provide your preference for an interview time between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., on Monday, January 8th.  Also, include a phone number where you can be reached to confirm your interview schedule.

The location of the hotel is:

Residence Inn Phoenix 8242 North Black Canyon Freeway Phoenix, AZ  85051 Telephone:  (602) 864-1900

We look forward to having you as part of this exciting day with ObesityHelp.

Cathy 1-866-957-4636, extension 382


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