New Posting Editors!

(deactivated member)
on 1/4/07 4:25 am - Yakima, WA
Sometime today, you should notice that how you post changes slightly.  We hope that this gives you more posting choices and fixes some of the problems that some of you may have been experiencing.  There will be 3 choices of editors for you to choose from when posting.  2 are HTML-type editors, similar to what you use now on the newer boards (like the main messageboard) and one will be a simple text editor, more like what is used on the older board formats (like the state messageboards have).   You can select which editor you prefer to use as default in your User Settings area - link to the left of the messageboards - OR you can switch which one you use in the message area.        Please note: If you switch editors in the middle of a message, what you've typed already will disappear and you'll have to start over.  Choose your editor before you type, unless you'll be using the one you've set for default use.  Text Editor: When using the simple text editor, you can't change your font color or size, but you can still insert emoticons.  When using the text editor an emoticon legend will show up and you type in the emoticons text you want. HTML 1 Editor: Is the editor that you have been using on the new boards and currently is in use here on the main message board.  HTML 2 Editor: Is a new lightweight html editor that has no emoticon usage through out the body and has basic font selections (with some added sizes & font family selections). If you have any questions, please let us know.       Thank you,  ~Tooter Member Services  [email protected]
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