Question for the Experts

on 12/27/06 6:18 am - Summit, MS

How many times a week should I workout at the gym on the weight machines - 2 or 3?  I use the WATP 4 mile super challenge walk at home on an average of 3-4 times per week.  I've been going to the gym 3 times a week since about April of this year, but the scales don't want to  move.  I've gone from 308 since surgery down to mid 150's, but I would like to hit my goal of 130.  Should I cut back to twice a week on the weight machines?  Thanks for any advice you can give me.


on 12/28/06 5:13 am - Waldorf, MD

There are a million different opinions on how a weight lifting regimine should be broken out and how many days/week it should be done. Personally, I lift everyday alternating between upper and lower body. Some people like to use specific days to target specific muscle groupings. It really all depends on how often you want to lift, so long as you give the muslces a break. A word of warning, by lifting weights you will probably see some weight gain (most people tend to forget muscle weighs more than fat), but while the scale may stay put or go up, the inches will melt off as the more muscle you have, the more fat will be burned.  Your best bet would be to talk to one of the trainers at the gym, especially if you've never done a weight lifting routine before. They can show you proper form and get you started on a simple routine. Good luck.

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