20 miles!

on 12/19/06 3:59 am - Upland, CA
Hey beautiful fitness peeps Update on my Marathon training Well, on Saturday we completed our 20 mile run and I came through without a hitch. I am starting to love the running 'thing' I NEVER thought this would happen! I love running in the colder weather, in fact it rained on Saturday and it was FANTASTIC! I cannot run or sustain running in the heat our 12 mile run was in the 94 degree heat and I almost died! 20 miles in the 40-50 degree weather with rain was a DREAM COME TRUE! I love my lap band and the marathon training. Thank you so much for all of the support, you guys are the BEST!
on 12/19/06 4:47 am - Johnson City, TN
Lynn, Thank you as you continue to share your success with all of us! 

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 12/19/06 4:49 am - Upland, CA
Jeremy, Thank you so much for the support and information you provide. I love this board. Happy Holidays, Lynn
on 12/19/06 9:19 pm - Long Island, NY

Lynn, That's great.  I agree with you about running in the colder weather - I much prefer it to the heat.  I did a half marathon last July and I thought I was going to die.  It sounds like you are doing a great job with your training.  When is your marathon?

Take care,


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Earl C.
on 12/20/06 10:38 am - Circleville, OH
Awesome! You're hardcore Lynn. I like that.  Years ago, I used to walk out in the country, in the rain, and people thought I was stranded and tried to give me rides.  They thought I was nutz when I told them I was doing it for fun. Earl
Kat C
on 12/20/06 1:31 pm - Tuscaloosa, AL
Wow! That is AWESOME!! Look at you go! Congrats, and keep it up!!
Scott William
on 12/28/06 1:25 am
Congrats on your success.  I just ran a 24 miler last week in prep for the Disney marathon which is next week.  Is there anyhting more satisfying that finishing a long run.  One question, do you get emotional at the end of long runs.  Keep up the great work and go get em. Scott
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