Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

on 12/17/06 8:38 pm - Waldorf, MD
Jeremy; How important is it to us, as WLS patients, to factor RMR into our daily caloric intake? I'm currently about 9.5mos post op and doing a lot of endurance training. My post-surgery goal was to ride a century, now I'm taking that further and training to run a 5k with the overall goal of participating in Triathlons.  If I factor RMR in, I should be taking in almost 3000 calories (wow) but I probably only take in about 1200 calories/day right now and that's if I'm lucky. On average, I spend 2 hours/day in the gym doing a mix of cardio and weight training. M/W/F is lower body, T/TH/S is upper body with cardio every day. Sunday is usually my only rest day. Thanks, Kelly
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