Hump day workout

Earl C.
on 12/6/06 10:05 am - Circleville, OH
chest and shoulder day for me. Didn't have time to do both so split it up today. 1:45 pm to 2:45 pm @ power Shack 15 min warmup Floor Press - testing max today got 335, not too bad for just doing bodybuilding the last 4 months Incline DB  Press Incline DB Flyes 8:10 pm to 9 pm @ work gym 10 min warmup Smith machine Press Behind the Neck Cable Rear laterals Cable Side Laterals Cable Front raises Diesel Shrugs superset DB Shrugs Earl

The Secret:


  1. Show up


  2. Work Hard


  3. Repeat


on 12/6/06 8:58 pm - Northwest, GA
335!!!!!!!!!   You Rock!      Does fighing the crowds at Wal-Mart count as exercise?  If so, put me down for that and walking miles across parking lots and thru stores. Becky
Earl C.
on 12/7/06 4:13 am - Circleville, OH
Thanks Becky. I think Mall Walking counts. I did that Tuesday. If you think about it, for me it was pretty much 3 hours of contant walking/standing. I think that counts.
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