Exercises to increase buttock mucsles

on 12/5/06 2:56 pm - colchester, CT
I am having some pain and discomfort sitting. I feel that I am sitting on bones. I think I need to build up muscle in the buttock area and would like to know some specific exercises for that area. Thanks for any input.   Sher
on 12/5/06 9:04 pm - Northwest, GA
Lunges are a great exercise and it doesn't require any equipment.  Go to a room/area that gives you a good 10 - 12+ foot straight-a-way and start taking deep, lunging steps.  Don't let your knee go past your foot as you are lunging (try to go straight up and down, not swaying back and forth) and don't do too many the first day because believe me you will feel it the second day! Becky
Earl C.
on 12/6/06 7:51 am - Circleville, OH

 Hi Sher, Here's a link to some good ones. The on they call a Butt Lift is killer. When it gets easy, put your feet up on a stablity ball or bench or lay a barbell or plate on your lap and do them. I hear Jean Claude Van Dam does these a lot. (who knows)


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