Re-Runners? as in Returned to, not 'regarding'...? Help?

Dx E
on 12/2/06 4:32 pm - Northern, MS

Re-Runners? OK, all/any of you who Run as part of your exercise? Help? Background- I had started adding running to my exercise a little over one year ago. I built it up a little each wee****il I was able to consistently run 4 miles Before I had to stop and nearly puke. I considered that success! I succeeded in running in one of those "Fun-Run" 5Ks on the 4th of July. And finishing in the middle of the pack! YaHoo! Then, went for Plastic Surgery on July 6th and all exercise went on hold for a while, Then a little longer while, then even when there was No medical of physical excuse That could possibly serve as rationale, I still just couldn’t muster up the enthusiasm for running That I had before. Last month my ‘Goal’ was to run 25 miles in November. Not all at once mind you, Just enough each week so that I could get back into the swing of it. I had done 7 in September, 12 in October, but these were also by shear will. I did manage to run a grand total of 19 miles in November. But every step of the way was just plain ole, grinding work! Where is that exhilaration I felt last April? May? June? I really enjoyed each new incremental goal and even the act of running alone was fun. Am I left with nothing but a Nike commercial "Just Do It!"?? I’ve got a few theories as to what’s up, but none of them seem to hold water… 1.) "The First Time was a challenge, but now the ‘new-ness’ is gone?" Well, I never did yard-work before WLS, and I have enjoyed doing that Greatly since. I took a break from it after PS too, but went back at it with as much vigor as before And I still "get into it." 2.) "Like a Heroin fix, I need More challenge to get the same high?" I’ve tried ‘head-games’ with myself- "Further than ever!!!" Quickly my brain shouts – "Will you Just Stop It!?! I don’t Care if we go further/faster!!!" I even considered the season, but when I began the first time, it was also ‘going into’ winter. Physically? I have a torn rotator cuff that needs to be fixed, but that’s not new to the equation. I damaged it last year and have to baby it along till summer or next Christmas Before I can have it fixed due to schedule and insurance coverage. Everything else in my life is "Onward and Upward!" Perfect Labs, all PS swelling is a thing of the past, I feel great, upbeat, not stressed, etc….. Any of you experienced similar? Overcome it? I would love to Enjoy running as I did. Just doing it because I maybe, probably ‘should’ do it, is very difficult. I take my Vitamins and get my nutrition because I ‘MUST,’ which is VERY Different than- "Maybe, Probably Should." Yes? I’m not fishing for "You don’t have to…." Or "Don’t feel bad because…" responses, I’m hoping for –"Hey Yeah! The same thing happened to me and I overcame it by…." Thoughts?

Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Rob S.
on 12/8/06 10:19 am - DE
Interesting indeeed.   I had my pan in May of this year and my surgeon had me shut down for six weeks.  He found a double hernia which caused me to go back under the knife in August and that shut me down for two weeks.  So basically the summer was a wash.   Prior to my first surgery I participated in my first 10k and was really enjoying running.  I also got in a century ride in May.   I have had no problem getting back to on the bike and getting in some good rides.  Running has been a struggle.  I have gone back to square one.   I am actuallyt running slower now than prior to the surgery, but I have gotten the miles back up to 15m per week.  I found that my Nikes and Nano ipod help me to stay focused and actually help.   It's the only time I spend listening to music with no interruptions.  I also try and run in at least one organized 5k (10k's next summer) to help me feel like I am in a continuous training cycle.  So no answers, other than maybe you should just  try something new for awhile.  Roller skating?   Cycling?  Steps?  Boxing?  Body Pump?  A little variety never hurts and maybe the thrill of running will return once you've been away from it for awhile. Good luck, DE Rob 
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