Wednesday's workout
Chest and shoulder day
12:30 pm to 1:40 pm @ power shack
20 min warmup
Incline DB Press
Hammer Wide Grip Press
Flat DB Flyes
Front Barbell Press
1 Arm DB Laterals
8 pm @ work gym
Cable Rear laterals (finishing shoulder workout)
Leg Raises holding exercise ball between feet (shown to activate the abs 15% more than regular leg raises - ouch...yep that's about right)
side bends with 20 # power bar overhead
twists with 45 # Oly bar
DB Wrist curls
walk treadmill 3 mph level 6
Have a good Thanksgiving. (I'll be working)
Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer. – Percy Cerutty
Good job Becky.
I do leg raises on a flat bench mainly, sometimes hanging from a chinning bar, sometimes on a decline bench. I mix it up a lot out of boredom. I have that hernia thing going on so have to cut back on some abs stuff until after the first of the year. Leg raises seem to be ok and don't bother me.
Happy Thanksgiving.