on 11/21/06 4:05 am - PA
I am on my second full week of exercising consistently 3-4x per week. I usually do the elip at level 6 hills, 30-40 min then wts for another 30 min...  Im very frustrated as my wt is going nowhere... not up, not down... Am I doing enuff... Im sweating doing the cardio. and feel like jello after the wts but am not really "sore"....  I think Im eating enuff... not really tracking calories.. just protein and thats not a prob... 60-80gms per day most of the time. water is good (most of the time) Any suggestions? Hugs Karen



May 13,2005


on 11/21/06 5:13 am - Johnson City, TN
Karen, Congrats on your success thus far.  While it seems you are performing a good level of physical activity it is hard to judge how intense you working out just by the level/ time on the eliptical and the time you spend lifting weights. I need more specifics about what your heart is when you are using the eliptical (this is really the best way to judge intensity) and I need to know more about your weight lifting practices; how exercises, how many sets per exercise, how many repetitions per set and are you failing or coming close to failure with each set? Additionally, it would help a lot to know how many calories you are eating and where these calories are coming from; so how many calories from fat, protein and carbs.  One more may want to check out the following artcile about cardiovacular exercise that I wrote.,2277/mode,co ntent/

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 11/21/06 8:22 am - PA
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH also have to tell you that I was born/raised in Tazewell VA.... we are country neighbors!! K



May 13,2005


on 11/21/06 8:21 am - PA

J, thanks for the response... I can answer some of them..... during the elip work my HR is between 142-155 bpm. I can talk but not carry a full conversation. Wt lifting.... I have NO muscles... but am working on it..... lol.... am doing 12-15 reps, minimum of 2 sets. can finish the first set w/o too much difficulty , rest 30 seconds and sec set of 12-15 am struggling to finish the last two...  As far as fat/cal/prot/carbs etc.... averaging ~12-1400/day for calories. I dont specifically count fat/carbs but try to keep on the lower end of both. For example..  B lf whole wheat eng muffin w/ can bacon, 1 slice cheese L Salad, w 4 oz chicken, 1 eggs, chick peas , veggies and lf honey mustard dressing D is usu 4-5 oz chick, beef and a green veggie.... sometimes I will add snacks of protein bars, trail mix, toast depending on food intake.  Its not specific but a general idea... Great article!! Hugs Karen



May 13,2005


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