How long did it take you to get motivated after surgery?

on 11/15/06 9:30 pm - Waban, MA
I am a little over 4 weeks post op and I am finding it very difficult to get motivated to work out.  I walk some and have done the eliptical once but I still do not have that much energy.  I love aerobics classes but do not have the courage to walk into one this large.  Not to mention my body still hurts from carrying this weight.    How long after surgery did you find it easier to get into a regular workout routine?  I am committed to working out but I just feel I need a lttle more time.  The problem is I feel guilty about not doing more.  Mindy
Cards Fan
on 11/15/06 11:25 pm
Mindy, Motivation was not the issue for me...I was truly motivated prior to surgery.  The issue with me was the amount of energy.  It was about 3 full weeks before I actually felt the energy to be working out...however, even before that time, I was walking everyday, multiple times per day.  You've got to push yourself now - whether you want to do it or not.  If the guilt you speak of is what drives you, then so be it.  What you'll find is each day will improve and very shortly that body that is resistant to exercise both physically and mentally will be craving the exercise.  In the beginning I felt like (4-letter word beginning with S ) when I exercised and I soon found that I felt like (same 4-letter word beginning with an S) when I did not exercise....a complete 180 degree turn in a relatively short amount of time. Make sure you're getting your water and your protein in without fail everyday.  Make sure you're taking your vitamins and supplements.  Make sure you're taking your B-12.  These are all important for the rest of your life, but never more critical than right now after surgery while you're healing and establishing what will be lifelong habits.  Don't let size be a hindrance to you...that's no longer an excuse!  You threw that out the window when you decided to have surgery.   Don't worry about what people think - actually most will admire you for the courage and initiative you're taking to better yourself.  Take pictures of where you are now and take them frequently as you're losing weight and working out so you can see your progress.  You'll be amazed.  That extra weight you carry now will soon be a badge of honor!  Be proud of what you've accomplished so far and have fun and celebrate your journey as you work hard to becoming a slimmer and healthier you! Good Luck! Cards Fan Springfield, MO STEP OFF THE SIDELINES AND GET IN THE GAME!
on 11/16/06 12:03 am - Waban, MA
Thanks for the reply.  I know I need to push myself but it is not easy.  I knew form the start that nothing about this would be easy.  It is my head that is the problem.  Yesterday after walking 2 miles instead of being happy I did I felt like I did not do it fast enough.  I wish my thoughts would just stop. Thanks for the encouragement. On a different note I was so happy the Cards won the series.  I am a die hard Red Sox fan and I felt bad for you guys in 04.  All we heard about here after the win was how fabulous the Cards fan were to us in your park.  I see you were in Cheers in 04 was that for the series?  How did you fit in the seats at Fenway?  That is one of my top ten goals to be able to sit at Fenway and be comfortable.  Great for watching games but very uncomfortable if you are overweight.  Thanks again I will keep reading your repsonse when I want to say no to excercise.  Mindy
Earl C.
on 11/16/06 12:29 am - Circleville, OH
Hey Minday, I basically agree with CardsFan (he looks nothing like his picture btw ) You're only 4 weeks out. There's a big energy drain the first 2 or 3 months nobody talks about. You're body isn't getting enough calories to provide a big burst of energy. Walking is still the best way at first. Shorter walks throughout the day are better than 1 long walk at this point. Don't worry about speed. It's the activity you need right now. I started walking 6 or 7 times a day at first. Just little walks around the corner. Gradually made them longer and cut down on the number of walks. You just started the journey, don't feel guilty, do what you can do. Baby steps. Protein (speeds healing), water and lots of walking. Good luck to you. Earl
Cards Fan
on 11/16/06 12:53 am
Earl, What do you mean I look nothing like my picture????   Oh wait, it MUST be the fact that I'm MUCH BETTER LOOKING IN PERSON than I am in the picture.  Right?    Cards Fan
Earl C.
on 11/16/06 2:17 am - Circleville, OH
Of course that's what I meant. You're much better looking in person. (meant in a manly way of course.) Earl
Cards Fan
on 11/16/06 12:50 am

I was in Boston for vacation and not for the Series!  Spent three days there then to NH and Maine for a few days then to the Cape for a few days to finish what was a WONDERFUL family vacation.  Even at 400 plus pounds we walked and walked and walked and it was one of the most enjoyable family times we've had!  WOW - I sure would like to do that trip again at my current weight....note to self, schedule vacation!!!   

I have been in Fenway Park..I sat up on the very edge of the seats in order to watch but was still very uncomfortable.  I've missed so many concerts, sporting events and other activities because of my fear of the seats.  No more! Just keep pushing on the exercise - pace yourself, a little at a time, one day at a're going to do great!!!!  Time should not be a concern, just doing it is the priority! Cards Fan Springfield, MO

on 11/16/06 3:54 am - Northwest, GA


I can So Relate to what you mean.

I walked and used those "Walk Away the Pounds" videos right after surgery because I thought I was too large to go to Curves or a gym. I wouldn’t join until I got down to 225 lbs. Boy, was I wrong on that! At Curves there were so many women of different sizes, ages, shapes, abilities, the entire range - you will NOT be out of place in an atmosphere like that.

After Curves I ‘graduated’ and joined a full blown gym. Again, Boy, was I wrong to wait so long! You’d be AMAZED at the different sizes, etc. of everyone. Yes, the majority are pretty much in good shape, but there are many, many that are working to get in shape and, for the most part, the folks that work there really, really want to help you get the best workouts that you can.

I would encourage you join a Curves, Women’s Fitness Center, something like that on a monthly basis just to get you into the habit of exercising, get your muscles used to working out, get used to the entire ‘exercise routine’, then go for the gold and join a gym. I had to Make myself go for a long time, but I was absolutely committed to making sure I made the most out of my second chance at life and I’ve become hooked on exercising.


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