Let's Talk About Those Darn Plateaus!!!

Susan O.
on 11/15/06 11:54 pm - Atlanta, GA
Jeremy, Good questions. I am 8 lbs from goal weight. I weigh 143 today and would like to be 135. I have the lap band and do not need a fill. This morning I ate 1 whole egg plus 1 tbsp liquid egg white, 1 wedge of laughing cow light swiss cheese, 1/4 cup of cooked spinach on half a high fiber/low carb whole wheat tortilla. That, if all squished together might be slightly over a cup of food, but not much and approximately 200 calories. I don't have a lot of loose skin. I have fat deposits on my hips and love handles that will probably have to be sucked out later ; ) I do ab workout 3-4 days a week and the muscle underneath all the skin and fat feels pretty good. I have maybe two-three inches of panni that I will also take care of with plastic surgery. Thanks for your thoughts on this! Susan
on 11/16/06 5:08 am - Johnson City, TN
Great Susan, that is what I was looking for.  There are a couple things you should consider since you are so close to goal weight:  1. After your plastic surgery, if you do choose to have it, you will most likely be at your goal weight.  2. When setting a goal weight, this is generally done under the assumption that most people are not nearly as active as you are. Many active people, including yourself, who weight train frequently, may never be at what is considered "goal weight" or "ideal weight." Those are based on the general non-exercising public. Basically, with resistance training you may have added enough muscle tissue that you may always stay just above your "goal weight."  It really sounds like you are doing quite well. Don't get too focused on your goal weight but rather start aiming for fitness goals; these will be your real challenge from now on. Try to get stronger, try to run a marathon, but don't let those last few pounds freak you out, when you may very well lose them after plastic surgery.   At your stage in the game it is really all about mind set. You are there and have succeeded in losing the weight. You can now turn that success into moitvation to accomplish other goals. Think with a fit mind!!!  Another thing or two: - I would try increasing your calories just a tad more; to about 1500 calories a day. Building muscle is an anabolic process and the more calories you consume the more muscle tissue you will be able to build; of course there are limits to this.    Definately start consuming a carbohydrate/protein mix before and after exercise, especially at the level you are training. Fourty five minutes to an hour prior to exercise and as soon as possible after exercise. Hope this helps.

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
Susan O.
on 11/16/06 9:57 am - Atlanta, GA

Jeremy, I am really on the run in the mornng before I exercise. There are some days when I could do an egg white in high fiber toast. Maybe a string cheese and a bit of apple? What do you use to just grab and run out the door for protein/carb mix before exercise? I am difinitely going to up my calories. What a funny thought.

WLS has absolutely helped me find my inner athlete, such as it is. I run local 5ks - usually once a month and am going to do a local 10k in the spring. However, I have to confess that even after 9 months of going to the gym 5 days a week I hate it. I do it because I don't consider it optional. It is what I do as part of being a healthy person.

It is very interesting to think of myself as having accomplished the weight loss goal because I have been so focused on the loss! I am still going to work on 5 lbs or so but I will keep in mind everything you mentioned and try not to become to obsessed with seeing the scale move.

Jeremy, thanks again. You have great insights about this and I really appreciate it.



on 11/16/06 11:24 am - Johnson City, TN
Susan, Yes it is a funny thought and that is why it really takes changing the way you look at your weight, the foods you eat and your activity level. I am sure it is good to be able to think that way now!!!!! Congrats. As far as a quick food.....i really like Cliff bars. If you don't like those try Zone bars. To tell you the truth though, an apple and a string cheese will probably do it. Better yet, if you could do an apple and a small glass of milk (soy or dairy) that would be great. 

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 11/17/06 2:11 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Jeremy, Wow..great forum you have here.  I don't know how I ever missed this one..I didn't even know it existed.  This topic is a godsend to me right now because I am struggling with stalls and plateaus.  I have read your post and Dx's post and am really taking it all to heart. I am 8 months out and "almost" at a normal BMI.  My doctor never gave me a "goal" weight.  My goal for right now is to just get to a normal BMI, which left me with just 2 lbs to go.  For some reason lately my weight keeps wanting to go up and down by 3 or 4 lbs.  The scales are driving me crazy.  I know I should not  judge my weight loss success only by the scales, but to only be 2 lbs away from a normal BMI is painful !!!  I am running 2 miles every other night..with brisk walk breaks when I don't feel I can keep the pace any longer. For some reason I am not breaking a sweat with the runs...don't know if that matters or not.  My carbs may be too high, so as of today I have cut them back to 20/day, will up water intake to 64 oz, and up protein to 100 gms daily, and keep calories to less less that 1200.   Any suggestions to why the scale is going up and down so much when calories in and calories out don't add up?  Is it the carbs?  Or is it the running which I just started? Thanks for your input !! Dana
on 11/18/06 12:11 pm, edited 11/19/06 12:40 am - Johnson City, TN
Thank you so much for asking this question! I snuck this talking point in there and was hoping someone would notice it.  While obesity often leads to insulin resistance, alcohol may increase insulin sensitivity sufficiently enough ot increase weight loss.  A study publihsed in the journal Obesity Sugery, looked at predictors of weight loss one year after Lap-Band and discovered that those who consumed moderate alcohol on a regular basis lost more weight than those who did not.  Pretty interesting stuff.  Click here to look at the an abstract of the publsihed article.

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
(deactivated member)
on 11/19/06 11:19 pm - Miramar Beach, FL

And what is considered "moderate"?  I've had white wine 4-5 times since surgery, about 2 6-oz glasses each time.  That's way down from my pre-surgery consumption.  I used to have 2-3 drinks (or more) 2-3 times per week.  Now I reserve it for special occasions.  Tami

on 11/19/06 11:26 pm - Johnson City, TN
A glass of wine every day or every other day is considered moderate consumption.  With this said, the research doesn't state with 100% certainty that you will lose more weight if drink alcohol, but there does seem to be some level of association there and does deserve more research.

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
Kristen H.
on 11/18/06 5:05 am - Orlando, FL
Good information. I was on the mother of all plateaus until just recently. During the eight months that the scale did not budge, I went from an 18W to a 12P. This proved to me once and for all that the scale shouldn't be my measure of fitness or happiness! So now, instead of a goal weight I have a new goal - a BMI of 24.9. Whatever weight I am when I hit 24.9 will be just fine by me.
Lap RNY 10-25-04
310/135/@ Goal!
on 11/19/06 10:02 am - jersey city, NJ
Thank you for all your posts. I was feelin horribly upset and considered myself a weight loss surgery failure. It's been a little over two and half months and I've only lost 55 pounds. I am not losing very easily anymore. Eventhouh I eat very good and workout at least five days a week.  I felt disheartened, but after reading your entries, I realize it is a normal part of the process. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!
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