Which machine to buy??? Help Please
I believe the elliptical or treadmill would be your best choice. The bike is great for people who can not tolerate weight bearing exercize, but you will quickly outgrow it and weight bearing is your best choice. I have an elliptical myself for my home and I run on the treadmill at the gym. When I shopped for the elliptical a found that I had to spend quite a bit to get the quality that I wanted.
Thank you for replying. I was concerned about my joints and that was why the bike was in the mix. My husband is going to be taking me with him when he gets the machine, so I'll be able to try them out and see what I like best. He is prepared to spend quite a bit on the machine. Thanks again for your help.
Cherie G
503 sw/303 cw/?gw (-200 lbs)