Elliptical Envy!

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/06 12:09 am - Boca Raton, FL
Hi All, This is my first time on this Forum. I had my RNY 8 weeks ago and I need to get my butt in gear with exercise. I went to Sears and tried all the Ellipticals....and I am SO LOST! I have don't lots of research as well but I thought asking here might me the best solution. Those who own Ellipticals: 1) What brand and Model? 2) How sturdy is it? 3) Any suggestions if you were to buy a new one today? Thanks ! Karen I.   - Long Island, NY    (PetMomKaren) Surgery Date: 9/12/06, Lap RNY, Dr. Shawn Garber 5'8"   298 / 250 / 150 "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom."   - Anais Nin
Lisa G.
on 11/12/06 2:35 am - Des Moines, IA
I don't own one but I use one at the gym.  I love to hate it!  Twice the work out in half the time.  My trainer has me use itin intervals since it makes my heartrate climb quickly.  I am up to 18 minutes now!  Good luck and happy shopping.  I am in the market for a BOSU ball, that thing is a workout!
on 11/12/06 3:54 am - Johnson City, TN
Karen, Welcome to the Exercise and Fitness Forum!  Much of this will really depend on your budget. While the elipticals at Sears will work, there are a couple of brands that are known for their quality; Precor and LifeFitness. Follow the links below for info about their products.  Precor: http://www.precor.com/cons/efx/ LifeFitness: http://us.home.lifefitness.com/content.cfm/ellipticalcross-t rainers

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 11/13/06 12:24 am - Denville, NJ

I'm also in the market for an elliptical .. this will be my next home exercise equipment purchase to complement the treadmill and bicyle I am currently using. The price of both Precor and Lifefitness ellipticals are WAAAYYY too high for my budget ... any suggestions in the $700-$1200 range of ellipticals? Thanks! -Carol

on 11/13/06 12:41 am - Johnson City, TN

Hello Carol, SMOOTH makes pretty good ellipticals as well. They have one for $1299 but it is worth it. Even if you need to wait a month or two to save some extra money before buying it, this is one piece of equipment you need to look for quality.  http://www.smoothfitness.com/elliptical-trainers/index.htm?s ource=B

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 11/13/06 10:18 am - Denville, NJ

Thanks for the suggestion to look into SMOOTH ellipticals .. I've bookmarked their website and will definitely check more into them!  The price range's do-able with a bit of planning, for sure! What are your thoughts re: treadmill vs. elliptical?  If a person could only purchase one or the other, which would be better? Or does it really matter? Thanks again! - Carol  

on 11/13/06 11:32 pm - Johnson City, TN
Carol, There is really no difference in terms of which one is best for weight loss. The only reason I generally lean towards an elliptical for the general public is because they are lower impact and easier on your joints. This is especially true when you exercise at a reletively high intensity and/or if you are overweight.

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
michelle O.
on 11/12/06 7:32 am - Tampa, FL
Hey Karen,  Congrats on you "new" life and welcome to the fitness forum~ I have an elliptical at home that I bought years ago when they first came out...it sits on my porch and collects dust. lol  The ones I use at the gym are precor and I love them...though I am sure they are quite the investment...maybe see if you can get a guest pass to a gym where you try it out...  They really are a great cardio work out and wonderful for the legs too! Best of luck with your hunting and don't be a stranger on the board Michelle
Diona A.
on 11/12/06 12:42 pm - Miles City, MT
I have an Image my daughter got at Walmart. I do not like it. The LifeFitness or Precor's are much better machines - I've used them both at our fitness center. What I would like is the Nautilus treadclimber. Diona
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
on 11/13/06 8:32 am - OH
Hi, I don't own one myself but use it at the gym..the brand is Precor and there are several different styles depending on what you want.  They have one with arms that move...so it is like you are running....they have some that you just hang on and can adjust the ramp level (more like a runner would be in form) and all of them you can adjust the resistance to make it harder.  When I started off I found it easier to hang on...and to put it at a little higher resistance, sounds backwards, but it slowed me down a bit and my heart rate didn't skyrocket... Good Luck, Jennifer

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