Half Marathon

on 11/7/06 1:01 pm - Seattle, WA
I've ALWAYS wanted to run a marathon or half marathon and have just started running...right now I'm doing three times a week, 20-30 minutes per time, 2 minutes running then 1-2 walking. I'd like to do either a half marathon or a whole one, in the next year. To do that I'm going to build up to being able to run (always taking walk breaks periodically, as recommended by Jeff Galloway) 6 miles before I start a 16-20 week marathon/half marathon training program. Anyone interested in doing this too, chatting/supporting each other through training? I'd like to do the Super Jock n' Jill half marathon in September. Sammysue
Tammy T.
on 11/7/06 4:08 pm - TX

Sammysue, I just want to say that I think it is fantastic that you are doing this. I am walking right now, but I plan to start the Couch to 5K in December. I hope I can stay motivated.  I think the half marathon would be too ambitious for me right now, but I just want to encourage you. You can do it!!!!  . I'm sure you will find someone great to work out with. Everyone here will cheer you on! I would really like to know how you're doing and progressing. How long have you been running so far? You sound like you've started out really well.  Good luck with your marathon. Be sure to post a picture of you crossing over the finish line!!

on 11/8/06 3:19 am - Seattle, WA
thanks for the encouragement..I've tried running before but have never stuck with it, plus the more you weigh, the harder it is. So it is a little easier already with some weight lost. I'm going to do other smaller goals in between now and the half-marathon,but I need a big goal too to keep me going. sammysue
Scott William
on 11/9/06 9:42 am
Hi there.  I have been running since my surgery in December.  I ran an 11.6 mile race in August with no walk breaks.  I have since decided that I have nothing to prove and have also incorperated the walk breaks.  I have found that my times are similar and I feel better when I am done.  The typical run is broken up with 7 minutes of running to 1 minute of walking.   I was doing 8 to 1 but this feels much better.   On Jan 7, I am running the Disney marathon.  My long run as of now is 13.5 miles and I will do a 15 next week.   I do have one word of caution.  As your runs get longer, you will crave more food and I have heard that a lot of people report that they have a hard time losing weight while marathon training.  If I had it to do again, I would get to my goal before starting my marathon training.  However, now I am far enough in that it is too late.  Good luck to you. Scott
on 11/14/06 2:01 am - Upland, CA
All the best to youWEIGH TO GO!
I am now a revision after lapband complications. I had many complications with the lapband and now am learning to be a proud SLEEVER!
This is a tool not a cure all or the 'easy way out'. There is work to be done, I'm in!

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