michelle O.
on 10/30/06 2:43 am - Tampa, FL
YAY! I'm so excited for halloween...ok I love to get dressed up and go out! Did 30 mins cardio on the treadmill this was cross country so it was up and down hills.  Life is Grand!
Earl C.
on 10/30/06 8:19 am - Circleville, OH
You sound happy. Good workout Michelle. Earl
Earl C.
on 10/30/06 12:37 pm - Circleville, OH
Back to working out today...Squat day. 12:20 pm to 1:40 pm @ power shack 20 min warmup Power Snatch, Squat Snatch and overhead squats with 45 # just warmup and get used to movement again. I'll start adding weight this winter. Squats Good mornings Lunges Glute Ham Raises superset Donkey calf machine 8 pm @ work walk treadmill 45 min, 2.8 mph, up to level 6 2.09 miles just to get blood in legs and out of my chair at work Stay strong Earl
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