
michelle O.
on 10/19/06 10:07 pm - Tampa, FL
 Good morning!! Mikee great job on the work out ...poor Earl moving those boxes..Hiking should be good in Kentucky...the leaves are all changed here and most have fallen...especially after the heavy rain we got last night.  Only doing some light cardio for now...I seem to be swelling. I walked for an hour at 3.0 on the treadmill for 3 I want to go back to bed! oh well it will have to wait till after work. Have a great Day!
Earl C.
on 10/20/06 5:04 am - Circleville, OH
What's swelling? Good workout Michelle. I'll post my later. I could use a nap too. My stress level is thru the roof and I feel like I could sleep for a week. Have a good one. Earl
michelle O.
on 10/20/06 9:43 am - Tampa, FL
I am swelling in my stomach from my belt lift. I guess you can swell for quite some time afterwards...Thanks for giving Jeremy a kiss ( in a manly way)  I'm about  to plop into bed and call it a night and it's not even 8 yet...this getting up before the sun isn't working  Have a great night!
Earl C.
on 10/20/06 12:57 pm - Circleville, OH
I wish I could jump into bed right now. Ahhhhh. Ok...workout time... Arms today 12:25 pm to 1:30 pm @ power shack 15 min warmup Dips supersetted with DB Curls DB French Press supersetted with Hammer curls Pushdowns supersetted with 1 arm cable curls Short and sweet...nice pump. Maybe I'll do some forearm work after work tonight.

Be Disciplined.


Do not waiver.


Do not quit.

on 10/21/06 4:13 pm - Zinfandel, CA
It is funny sometimes the short ones give the best hit. I have just started adding dips into some days, could never think about doing them before.
Earl C.
on 10/22/06 1:49 am - Circleville, OH
I got back and forth on Dips. I still weigh over 290 some days and it's like doing a max bench for me some days. I know they say pushups are like using 70 % of you bodyweight. I think Dips have to close to 100% on the hands and wrist. I'll get elbow problems if I don't warm up on Dips too. I just read where teenager have problems with Dips because they hurt their ribcage at the breast bone because their bones haven't fused together yet. So some coaches don't stress them anymore for teenagers. All I know is I get a tricep workout like no other if I do them. Earl
on 10/22/06 3:52 am - Zinfandel, CA
Yes, I agree with the tricep, they work great for as many as I can do:lol: 70%? That explains a lot, guess I cannot feel too obad with how many(little) I can do.
on 10/21/06 4:11 pm - Zinfandel, CA
Thanks! Nothing for me Friday or Sat. Just kickin it.
Earl C.
on 10/22/06 1:53 am - Circleville, OH
Oh I wanted to kick it Saturday. I missed the squat workout waiting on a repair guy that never showed up. Then getting ready this morning to go make up the workout he calls and said he can come waiting again. To top off my weekend, the truck got keyed last night. Some days it just feels like the crap gets piled on faster than I can dig out.
on 10/22/06 3:49 am - Zinfandel, CA
Love those time windows. Would you just like to catch some one in the act one time.
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