on 10/17/06 6:17 am - Zinfandel, CA
Hey you all I like posting early (For me), I get to talk to you all better this way. I got everything in from yesterday exept for one set of the bench dips, I just could not get another rep in; they killed me and I can really feel that nice sore today. Just abs and some kind of cardio tonight.

ABDOMINALS  Reverse Crunches     Side Crunches   Crunches   Two sets of each x 30 reps, I do them in a circuit. See ya

michelle O.
on 10/17/06 7:20 am - Tampa, FL
WAY TO GO MIKEE!! GREAT WORKOUT! Let's see this am I did 30 mins walking with hill intervals and then did upper body weights...The weather sucks here rainy, cold, and windy.   Have a great night~
on 10/17/06 8:13 am - Zinfandel, CA
Nothin works the butt like hills, awesome! Sorry the weather is ugly, we are 80's and sunny the rest of the week, lovin it until the cold (For us) gets here.
Earl C.
on 10/17/06 10:06 am - Circleville, OH
Good Job Mike and Michelle. Just walking for me today and neck work 30 min @ power shack Quit early because my foot started hurting again 4 - way neck machine All that ab work yesterday triggered my hernia last night. I reached for a tissue in bed and ended up in major pain for hours. I gotta get that fixed.  Doesn't bother me all the time, but when it does...wow.

The Secret:


  1. Show up


  2. Work Hard


  3. Repeat


on 10/17/06 10:17 am - Zinfandel, CA
Yeah, get it fixed and have em sew up a little extra. Oh, wait, unless it is the lower kind of herniaThen I would have them leave as much as possible. Is there anything you can do to lesson the symptoms short of repair?
Earl C.
on 10/17/06 12:56 pm - Circleville, OH
Well, at first I thought it was just a muscle cramp, that's what it feels like, a charlie horse in my abs. Right at the upper right incision area. Then I figured out I can take my fist and push on it and feel something  get pushed in and I'm fine. Just take my nerves awhile to calm down and I'm afraid to move for awhile.
on 10/17/06 1:27 pm - IA

Earl, This is my Friday.....when I get back on Friday I hope you've posted that you gotten this attended to.  Please be careful...Dee

Earl C.
on 10/18/06 1:48 am - Circleville, OH
Thanks Dee. I'll be careful.
on 10/17/06 2:31 pm - Zinfandel, CA
Yeah, I think that is something to get fixed. Take care of yourself Brother from another mother!
Earl C.
on 10/18/06 1:52 am - Circleville, OH
Thanks Mike. I definately plan to get it fixed. It only does that like once a month or so. I can't afford to be laid up in a hospital right now though. I'd like to hold out until after the 1st of the year. So I just toned down the ab training for awhile, Tuesday's ab training was out of pure boredom. It mainly does that after I get a litte gung ho with the abs.
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