Marathon Training
Hello beautiful endorphin peeps,
I just heard about this forum from the gorgeous Frances. So I boogied on over!
I am training with the APLA LA Maration training program. This week we did 8 miles in the HILLS! I think I am 5 or 6 weeks into training. I am almost afraid to say I think I love it! WELL, no I am not afraid I do love it!
I believe running is an acquired taste, and I am learning to love it! The 8 miles in the hill brought me to what I truly believe was more than an endorphin ru**** was a runners high! I cannot believe I am saying that!
Anywhoo before this gets any longer any insights, advice from marathoners or others in training? I used gu and cliff chewables this week to test them out and I needed them on the hills! gu definitely needs to be refrigerated! LOL
We use the Jeff Galloway method of Marathon training.
Ok, thanks for any potential posts.
Phone: 866-957-4636 Ext. 357
Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?