Marathon Training

on 10/16/06 9:26 am - Upland, CA

Hello beautiful endorphin peeps, I just heard about this forum from the gorgeous Frances. So I boogied on over!  I am training with the APLA LA Maration training program. This week we did 8 miles in the HILLS! I think I am 5 or 6 weeks into training. I am almost afraid to say I think I love it! WELL, no I am not afraid I do love it!  I believe running is an acquired taste, and I am learning to love it! The 8 miles in the hill brought me to what I truly believe was more than an endorphin ru**** was a runners high! I cannot believe I am saying that! Anywhoo before this gets any longer any insights, advice from marathoners or others in training? I used gu and cliff chewables this week to test them out and I needed them on the hills! gu definitely needs to be refrigerated! LOL We use the Jeff Galloway method of Marathon training. Ok, thanks for any potential posts. Sincerely, Lynn

on 10/19/06 1:52 am - Johnson City, TN
Lynn, How are you? Sorry it took me a couple of days to get back with you. Frances was texting back and forth with me and said she had spoken with you; I thought she was going to give you my phone number though.  Please feel free to call me: 

Phone: 866-957-4636 Ext. 357

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 10/19/06 8:35 am - Upland, CA
Thanks for the reply! I will give you a call if I have any questions. Take care, and thanks for leading me to this board! Lynnie
Cruise Director Julie
on 10/19/06 7:26 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
Lynn; Congrats on the marathon training. I keep thinking about doing one, but am afraid that I won't be able to finish, so I've been leary of starting the training. I know...I just need to jump in and do it! Please keep us posted on your progress. You may just be the inspiration I need.
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
on 10/19/06 8:38 am - Upland, CA
Jennifer, Thank you for the kind words! I never never never thought I would be doing this, but I AM! I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do. I know it is a personal decision. My sister and BIL come each week to volunteer passing ou****er and I am pretty certain I will have them hooked up and running next year! Sunday we did the 8 miles in the HILLS and I survived! I cannot believe it! I was so proud! Yesterday I did my Maint. Run 4+ miles and tomorrow and Sat I will do another. It feels great and the information they provide and the commradery (sp?) is fantastic! Thanks again for the kinds words! Wishing you all the best, Lynnie
on 10/28/06 2:30 am - Mission Viejo, CA
Great to hear! Keep up all the good work! I'm gradually catching up to all this stuff. Do you know this guy, by the way?: He's a coworker of mind and the first post op marathoner I've met. -EAK'06
on 10/29/06 6:31 am - Upland, CA

Hey Eric,

No, I do not know Rusty but I am new to this world of marathoning. I know many post op RNYers that have run multiple marathons and some are in my training program and ALL OF THEM inspire me!

Thanks for sending me over to Rusty's page.

Have an awesome day,


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