Kick A$$!
Good job Mike.
Let's see my workout today.
12:15 pm to 1:45 pm @ power shack
chest and delts
20 min warmup
Floor Press
Hammer Incline press
Icarian Pec Dec
1 Arm DB Press
1 Arm DB Laterals
Upright rows
8 pm to 9 pm @ work gym
Inverted Rows superset Crunches
DB Side Bends
Decline Situp
Medicine Ball toss against wall
walk 30 min 3 mph level 4
Stay strong.
Big Daddy is doin the decline situps!!! Those make me yell bad things in the garage.
Nice workouts! Really working the abs hard, that is awesome.
I swear if I ever win the lotto or find a case of money I am going to build my Hulk Hogan gym (I watched his reality show and he has the mac daddy gym in his house) and then I would by memberships at several gyms and golf courses. Spend my days with 2x2 a days; 2 workouts, and two rounds of golf.
That's cool. I'd like to see it.
I've sold most of my stuff, like the leg ext., leg curl, back row and lat machine. Sold all the big 100 # plates and DB too.
Dirt cheap...but still made a profit.
I just rented a new place with a garage so kept the basics so I can do my main training at home when track season starts again next year.