Sunday Sunday Sunday

Earl C.
on 10/15/06 12:19 pm - Circleville, OH

1 pm Walked 45 minutes outside. Cool but nice. 9 pm @ work walked treadmill 50 mins 2.58 miles up to level 7 up to 3.5 mph (tried to jog a little and the foot started's just not worth it. ) Have a good weekend. Earl

on 10/15/06 3:15 pm - Zinfandel, CA

I got a small work out in between the laying around and snacking.





Incline Barbell Press     


  Machine Chest Press   






Pec Deck Flyes      








Wide-Grip Front Pulldowns

Earl, you and I are not made for jogging, or jumping, I am ok with that. I am gravitationally challenged. Mike

Earl C.
on 10/15/06 3:33 pm - Circleville, OH
Hey Mike, Long time no see. How ya been? Good workout buddy. Yeah, I keep trying to do a Micheal Jordan and fly. Just aint happening. Earl
on 10/16/06 6:18 am - Zinfandel, CA
I am well, I have taken a break to see how much weight I could gain; I am very good at it I have found. I need to commit and take it the rest of the way to my goal, I passed my surgeons goal but I want more. I just cannot do it without you peeps.
Earl C.
on 10/16/06 12:05 pm - Circleville, OH
Yeah I need to commit a little myself. I got the exercise down buy I like to eat, especially when I'm stressed. The exercise keeps me from gaining too much but I'm nowhere near goal wt. Glad you're back. Earl
on 10/16/06 12:21 pm - Zinfandel, CA
I am there with you; in fact I just had to take a break from obsessing about it. I did not think about it ate what I wanted and gained some weight very quickly. I think I am ready to hunker down and get the rest of the way to where ever I am going to be. I am a stress eater and this last year has given me plenty to stress about. I think even if I stay around 250-260 (If and when I get back down to that) if I am working out I will be happy to stay there. My heart rate at rest is 52 last time I took my BP so I am a lot healthier (it seems) considering my HR at rest used to be in the high 80's.
michelle O.
on 10/15/06 11:03 pm - Tampa, FL
Mikee,  How are ya? Good workout! Earl and I miss you...please come back again. Hope your doing well!
on 10/16/06 6:19 am - Zinfandel, CA
Good, how are you, you look fantastic!
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