michelle O.
on 10/11/06 11:09 pm - Tampa, FL
Here we are azlmost through the week...this month is flying by! I LOVE having a workout buddy that actually shows up!   40 mins on the treadmill this was a hard morning to get out of bed.   Lower body weights...crunches 2 sets on the ball...since the floor killed last time.   HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Earl C.
on 10/12/06 1:10 pm - Circleville, OH
Good workout Michelle and her little workout buddy. Just 30 min walk in the freezing wind for me today. Brrrrrrr. We're getting killed at work so not getting my little workout breaks. My body actually hurts more from having to sit in this chair for 9 or 10 hours a day with no breaks. Back to work. Earl
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