Monday - BRING IT ON!

michelle O.
on 10/8/06 11:09 pm - Tampa, FL
GOOD MORNING So I've already hit the gym this morning...20 mins on the tredmill...15 on the arctrainer and weights upper body. First day of lifting!  SO I SAY BRING IT ON  I HAVE MY GAME FACE ON, MY VITAMINS IN ME, AND NUTRITION FUELING THIS MANIAC!! Earl love the comment about Obession that rocks!! Oh and dancing ya that always wipes me out the next day.  Have a good one!!
Earl C.
on 10/9/06 10:34 am - Circleville, OH
I'll bring it! Pretty day in skies and almost 80, snow by Friday...seriously... 11:15 am walked 30 min outside to get some sunshine while it lasts. 12:40 pm to 1:45 pm @ power shack Chest and Delts 15 min warmup Incline DB Press hammer Incline press 1 arm db press 1 arm db laterals Upright rows Good heavy workout, short on time so just got the good stuff in. I was planning on doing some extra stuff tonight at lunch break but...I don't get one tonight. We're short staffed due to vacations anyway and someone was a no call/no show. I hate that. Guess who gets to stay all night? Stay strong, never marry and buy a big screen tv. Earl 
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