Keys to Ultimate Success

on 10/5/06 11:45 pm - Ormond Beach, FL
1. Nutrition ~  2. Protein...(know what you absorb with your new tubing per hour) 3. Exercize 4. Water  5. Personal development with setting goals Most importantly... Find your "WHY" Have the rock solid attitude! Rock on! Celeste Momin  check out the many stories as well as "A Moment Of Bliss"
Earl C.
on 10/6/06 1:06 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Celeste, I did a quick look at your profile. Oh my God! What a change. Keep posting. I think you're an inspiration to all of us. Earl
on 10/6/06 10:20 am - Ormond Beach, FL

you are too funny! It is just being at my best everyday... I worked a 12 week boot camp with my trainers. Now this is something I offer to my clients as well! I love whom I have become, however...  It is more important for me to see others change then guess what.... this keeps me focused! It is all about balance of nutrition, protein and exercise and water intake... I can not do this alone... I need support from others just like yourself everyday! Keep it going and this is a great forum!!! I just found it! You will be seeing alot of me... Michelle a OH member on this forum and board is a great and dear friend of mine...we talk weekly! Ask her how much Body Fat % she has lost, becoming accountable to a program... More importantly it is being accountable to personal development of a new lifestyle.. Moving to lose and burn fat   Keeping the glass half full instead of half empty! Many blessings, Celeste

Earl C.
on 10/6/06 2:34 pm - Circleville, OH
That's great! Michelle's my bud. She off recovering from PS right now. Leaving me to post alone. If you see her tell her to get her butt back on here. I don't think I can survive a boot camp. I have too many bad memories about 2 a day football practices and the coaches footprint on my back. Earl
on 10/7/06 3:39 pm - IA

 Celeste, I sent you an e-mail......................& How?????????????????????????????????????? How do I know how much protein I absorb per hour?

How do you maintain the rock solid attitude????? How????

All tidbits of info appreciated.  Thanks again, Dee

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