Wish me luck!

Diona A.
on 10/5/06 1:49 pm - Miles City, MT
Doing a 5K on Saturday in beautiful Absarokee, Montana. Downfall is 60% chance of rain but oh well. My goal is to finish in less than 36 min. My son is going to run with me to help me pace myself. It should be fun. It's just so amazing I can run again! It's been 12 years - what a waste! Thanks everyone! Diona
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
on 10/5/06 2:10 pm - Avenel, NJ
Lap Band on 07/31/07 with
 Best of luck to you, weather rain or shine, I know it feels great to run. Can't wait unti it's my turn.

I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth. 
Earl C.
on 10/6/06 1:02 am - Circleville, OH
Good luck Diona. Enjoy the experience. Earl

"If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just finish the race—it's up to you."

~~Dave Scott, Triathlete
Chunky Dunker
on 10/7/06 10:02 am - WA
I was too late to wish you luck, so instead, CONGRATULATIONS! How did you do? Good for You!
Diona A.
on 10/7/06 1:25 pm - Miles City, MT
I went, I ran, I finished - I was last 5 K runner in but I finished! I don't know what my time was - it was gorgeous and it was uphill the first half and downhill the second half at 4000F. I'm used to running at 2800 ft and my heart showed it. I wore my heart rate monitor - my heart rate was running about 140 - 147. It usually runs about 124-129 when I run at home. That was rather interesting just comparing the altitude differences but it also gave me insentive to keep running and building muscle - next year I intend to run lots more 5Ks and work my way up to a 10K. Just being able to do it was amazing! Thanks everyone! Diona
Earl C.
on 10/8/06 1:45 am - Circleville, OH
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