Stationary biking

I  have a question for you fitness guru's ..  Which would be a more beneficial workout for the lower body..   Riding the bike ( HILLS AND VALLEY'S ) at a 5.0 speed for 30 minutes or 30 min on the eliptical ..  AM curious as to how good a workout  the stationary bike is . I also do weights for upper body. Thanks for any or all responses . Shirl
on 10/6/06 10:55 am - Johnson City, TN
Really the best way to analyze this is by measuring your heart rate. I don't really know what "5.0" speed means; i can't imagine it would mean 5 mph. Heart rate does not directly measure caloric burn but if you find a level for each that produces the same heart rate, you can be quite confident that you are burning a similar number of calories. Let me know if this helps. If you need more clarification please let me know.

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 10/8/06 9:50 am - Caldwell, ID

I'm finding out that the eliptical machine works my heart better than the stationery bike does. Now I've ridden my bicycle 2 to 3 miles...  I can do 30 minutes on the bike easily but I just started the eliptical this week, and I'll tell you what...I am just at 3 minutes right now.  I'll work it up to 30 but I've had to deal with a bad hip and my physical therapist told me that the eliptical machine would be the ideal exercise for me.  give it a try and see what you think.  It's an intense workout that is for sure and you will feel it right away.

on 10/9/06 7:08 am - SeaTac, WA
If your gym has a Treadmill with adjustable incline, I'd use that. I have mine set at 2.5 incline and a speed of 2.5 - 3.0, and after 15 - 20 minutes on it I'm sweating like a mad-woman! If you're going to do the stationary bike, try switching to the recumbant bike (lower to the ground, less knee impact). Set it to level 10 - 12 and try to keep the RPMs between 65 and 85... that keeps my heart rate in the target range while burning the most calories.* *Of course, your heart rate/caloric needs will be different from mine, so check with your doc or trainer!
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