Working hard!!!!

Chris G.
on 10/26/06 7:09 am
Is there a reason you are only taking in that low amount of calories?  I am getting my Master's in Exercise Physiology, and don't really know all that much about after WLS and nutritional guidelines after the surgery except that the results from the WLS can actually be reversed if the diet and/or exercise regimen is not kept up. Something that I would recommend is looking at the percentage of calories of each macronutrient (carbs, protein, and fats) and see where it is coming from.  An ideal percentage of a person who exercises is about 60% of total calories from carbs, about 15-20% from protein, and less than 25% from fats.  Additionally, look at what type of fats you are eating.  Saturated fats or trans-fats can actually work against your weight-loss.  Eating too much unsaturated fats (the healthy ones) can also hurt your weight loss goals. Another aspect of the situation is to see if you are getting enough carbs to fuel your workout.  The reason I say this is because you may be not getting enough carbs to fuel the workout and your body could be breaking down muscle tissue for energy.  This is counterproductive for your metabolism and maybe this is one area to look at. Something to look up on the internet would also be a theory of exercise physiologists to explain why initial fat loss could be rapid, while further down the road it gets harder.  It's the Setpoint Theory, and while I doubt that is the case, it does inform to some parts of weight loss. Finally (I know this post is long, sorry ), weight loss is something that takes time and can be frustrating at times.  Everyone has a different story and different approaches work for each person.  I do advocate looking at your weight scales daily (in the morning to be exact), because you have a better idea of what you ate the day before as well as your exercise.  This helps you to understand what affects your body and how (either positive or negative).  This approach may help or it may not.  I hope this helps and I'm going to research more from textbooks and the internet and see what it says about caloric intake for after WLS.  I'll post on what I glean from that info.  Good luck!
***AlyCat ***
on 10/26/06 9:27 am - Panama City, FL

The reason I eat so little Cal is because that is all I can eat, I only eat 2-3 oz at one time! When you have WLS your tummy is made the size of a small egg (about 2oz)! I am eating more now than I was in the 1st 3 months post-op! I have eating guideline that are stick! There are a lot of foods that I can’t eat for 2 reasons one it will make me sick and there are too many Cal , Fat, Carbs, or sugar! After you have WSL you can’t eat anymore then 14g of sugar per meal or you will dump.  Dumping is like going into diabetic shock it’s BAD!!!! Also I am not eat anymore than 60 Carbs per day, 25g of fat, no less then 65g protein this is what I told to do by my nutritionist. For example today I have eaten:




½ cup grilled chicken w/veges & pasta soup  




1 oz Ham, 1oz Sliced Turkey Breast 1oz 2% Milk Colby cheese




8oz Low Carb Isopure shake




½ of a small apple, 2oz tuna w/1 tbsp fat free mayo & 1 tbsp mustard, 3 Tricuit













Thank you for you posting it has given me a lot to think about!!



Always be yourself 
Because the people who mind don’t matter 
And the people who matter don’t mind! 

Chris G.
on 10/26/06 11:14 am
That's what I thought and why I was originally so timid to post.  The main thing to remember is that fat is burned with low - moderate aerobic exercise in an oxygen rich environment.   Building muscle tone is important in overall base metabolism, and the more that you have built (muscle tone) indicates an increase in metabolism.   Aerobic intensity is determined by how your body reacts to exercise and what shape you are in.  Try adding low intensity lifestyle activities (cleaning, mopping, vacuuming, etc.) to the exercise.  Additionally, I would think that walking or swimming would be a great aerobic workout.  Remember, low - moderate intensity. 
***AlyCat ***
on 10/26/06 12:07 pm - Panama City, FL
Thank you so much!!! It's really impoertin to me to do this right.


Always be yourself 
Because the people who mind don’t matter 
And the people who matter don’t mind! 

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