Advice Request from a 60 Day Pre-Op

on 9/27/06 3:38 pm - Kissimmee, FL
Hello to all. I am approx. 60 days pre-op until my surgery (tenatively scheduled for the Wed. just before Turkey Day) I am requesting any advice, pointers, anecdotes, tidbits of info that when you were in my shoes, you wish someone had told you.  Anything and everything is greatly appreciated.
on 9/27/06 10:47 pm - Boston, MA
Hi ,, BEST OF LUCK...... my only advice is just relax and keep working on weight loss before your daye it really does make a difference.....I kept exercising right up till the night before my date.. & i felt wonderful. it kept me on track & kept my nerves in order......Kepp telling yourself its the beginning of your new life.......& WOW IT REALLY IS AFTER A FEW will feel so much different.. with just a few pounds soon....
 Smiles Babs              Wieght Loss: UPDATED  12/9/06
7/06-8/06  Pre-Op. 23 Lbs ~~~~~~ 8/23/06-TODAY Post-Op 74 Lbs

on 9/27/06 11:31 pm - Northwest, GA
Hey D, I had my WLS the Monday before Turkey Day! I'd advise you to start an exercise program now.  You'll heal faster, the doctor will have an easier time during surgery, you'll feel better before and after surgery.  The weather is starting to break.  Do you have a local walking track that you can hit a few times a week or do you have any exercise tapes/DVDs to do at home? My other piece of advice would be to really work at coming to peace with the fact that your relationship with food is about to take a major change.  Try to rekindle old interests/hobbies or get involved with new interests that spark you. Best of Luck! Becky
on 9/27/06 11:50 pm - Kissimmee, FL
Awesome input. Thank you all very much. For exercise, I purchased an elliptical machine. Guess I really need to get going on that thing. I've been preparing myself, my wife and kids for the MAJOR attitude adjustment and lifestyle change I will be going through.  I can't wait until I feel good enough to get out and do some real work in my yard ( OMG!! It needs it! ) and start being more of a contributor around the house other than providing my income.
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