4 years ago today

on 9/25/06 2:05 pm - Lake In The Hills, IL
I have been spending my 4 th surgiversary working hard on a presentation on Obesity Sensitivity for a personal training class. That alone is representative of the changes I have been thru in the past 4 years. 4 years ago walking up a fight of staris left me tired and out of breath, now I work out strenuously several times a week., and am taking personal training classes ( to get certified as a trainer) 4 years ago I ate what ever. Now I am on a great, healthy eating plan that makes me strong and healthy. 4 years my health was in jeapordy from super morbid obesity, Now I am heathy and strong. 4 years ago I could only shop Lane Bryant, and pray they had the size 28-30 I needed and that something would be decent quality and not too ugly. and at 4'11" that something would at least be close in length of pants and sleeves. Now, I can shop anyplace and find more pretty clothes that FIT well than I can begin to afford to buy. In an 8 petite no less! 4 years ago I was tired and unable to really enjoy life or really get out and play with my grandkids. Now I have more energy than I know what to do with and I fit the slides and tunnels at the park, and I wore them out at 6 Flags Great America going on the rides. 4 years ago I was an invisible woman. Now I get doors opened and smiles that I never expected to happen. 4 years ago I was just existing. Now I am seeing so many possiblilities in life that I don't know which one to grab on to first. The past 4 years have been a roller coaster ride. Some times exciting, sometimes a little nauseating, lots of us and downs and twists and turns and surprises around the bend. 4 years ago, I never would have thought plastic surgery would be any part of my life and now I have had reconstructive surgery on just about every part of my body below the shoulders. There has been the unexpected - like the adaption to the new body and still working on recognizing my own body. Sometimes knowing I have body image issues and and not seeing what is real and others not seeing what is real and not knowing the difference. Who would have thought losing 130 pounds would take an emotional adjustment.? I thought it would be only happy and thrilling, but have sometimess struggled with the concept that I have lost a large piece of ME. It has also been unexpected when others say I am a completely different person and I have to say that only the package is changed, the soul is the same. The relly important things like my heart and soul, my capacity to love, and be loved, my intelligence and ambition all were there before. Then I wonder - Am I different? I have lost friends who now don't have time for me, and had people who were aquaintences suddenly become friendly. Both situations can be hurtful.

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery  9/25/2002 260/134
http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/bariatric_journey/welcome/                                                 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks           http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=586438255&ref=profile  

also www.facebook.com/valshealthykitchen        

 Bike Riding   

Cruise Director Julie
on 9/25/06 2:42 pm - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
Congrats on a wonderfully successful four years!
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
on 10/5/06 12:10 pm - Springfield, MA
What an amazing story you tell! Your honesty and openess is very moving. I'm just 3 months out from lap band surgery and I am already starting to see some of the things you mention. Thanks for the reminder that this journey we are on is not just a one time thing - it is an adventure that will continue throughout each of our lives.
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