Question re: exercise and iron levels

(deactivated member)
on 9/24/06 9:17 am
Hello!  I've been gone for far too long! And I've also gained about 10 lbs. It's back to the basics for this girl! My question is this.....after exercising (about a half hour of cardio on the eliptical) I feel great. Then about an hour later, it's everything I can do to just stay awake! Way, way tired. I feel like I'm  anemic again or something. Does working out really hard, deplete the iron in your system? Cause thats what it feels like, anemia. Strange...this is a first for me! (But then I haven't been exercising the way I should have either!) Bad, bad Lyn! I do just great taking my vits every day. Thats not a problem. But since I went back to the gym, this has started. Any suggestions?  By the way, everyone looks soooo hot! It's great knowing you're all still here!  Thanks!!    Lyn
Earl C.
on 9/24/06 12:44 pm - Circleville, OH
Hey Lyn,

It's been drilled into my head that we WLS lab rats need to get our blood work done every 6 month to a year. Get them to do a complete test for any vitamin deficiencies. Mainly, Iron, B-12, Calcium are the biggies. A b-12 deficiency would cause the same energy slump. Sounds like it could even be a blood sugar dive after exercise. Try eating a little protein and some fast carbs after the workout. Glad you back. Earl

(deactivated member)
on 9/24/06 11:40 pm
Thanks Earl!  Yes, I thought about the blood sugar issue myself, shortly after I posted. I tested and sure enough it was 65. Duh! I have had reactive hyoglecemia, since the beginning, so why I didn't think of this right away, is beyond me! Like I said, duh!!!  I think I'm going to get my labs done, just in case.   I'm glad to be back!! Lyn  
Earl C.
on 9/25/06 1:09 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Lyn, Well at least you figured it out. Have a good workout. Earl
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