Walking after surgery?

on 9/20/06 10:57 pm - Columbia, SC
How soon after lap RNY did you start walking??
Earl C.
on 9/21/06 2:35 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Sophie, They should have you up and walking in the hospital. Baby steps. I took short walks 7 or 8 times a day after I got home from the Hospital, like a block at first and gradually they got longer and I cut down on how many walks I did, getting down to 2 - 45 min to 1 hour walks a day. Everyone's different. my ex could only go and stroll around the backyard at first. There's a good walking program on here... http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/fitness/cmsID,9001/mode,content/ Good luck Earl
on 9/23/06 1:38 am - Denville, NJ
I was walking before and after RNY surgery ... the "Before" was to prepare myself (mentally and physically) .. the "After" was to get going on a new and improved lifestyle .. I was also a bit concerned of complications that might come up were I to NOT be physically moving around right after surgery...  I took things easy right after surgery with small walks - one small block at a time several times a day ..  Now I faithfully power walk/jog 5 miles each and every day except for Saturdays (my one day off) ... and am also now doing strength-training and toning with small weights...  All of this is done on my own and not via gym or any such thing.  Good luck! -cbf :-)
on 9/24/06 11:43 pm - INGERSOLL, Canada
As soon as they brought me back to my room I was walking the halls and then when I went home the doctor asked us to get in 39 mins of intentional walking every day to prevent blood clots.
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