Gyms for weight loss surgery patients
Check with the local hospitals in your area.
In Columbus OSU Medical Center has a gym originally set up for Heart and Surgery patients, but seems to be taken over by WLS patients. They have everything from exercise classes to heated pool for walking.
The cardio equipment is even set up to accommodate large or handicapped people for easy access, like seats on the recumbent bikes that swivel to get in and out of the bike. They have upper body cardio equipment for people that can't walk or ride a bike. The heated pool is the real sale maker.
Some ladies there told me that they feel more comfortable that almost everyone "looks" like them there. Plus there's always a doctor on the treadmill next to you (they get a discount).
Working out at home is always an option or a small facility in your area.
Good Luck
Banded 3/30/06 -VG band currently @ 5.5 ccs
Colby Matthew 8-7-07 Born 5 weeks early @ 3:27 pm. 5 lbs 10 oz 19 1/2 in.
Colby @ 4 mo.