Saturday's workout
Leg Press
Hack Squats
Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Curl
Standing Calf Raises in Smith Machine
Seated Calf Raises supersetted with Hanging Leg raises
4 way neck machine
I’ve never seen anyone that too fast, too strong or too flexible.
Hi again Earl, This is slow to catch on, huh? Well, I'll chime in again. 60 minutes elliptical 10 minutes on the rowing machine (I'm trying to mix it up a bit, been on a stall/break/who the heck knows, for a few months now. It's driving me batty. I did some squats as well today. Have to work on the lower body. I do this machine that lets you squat, and works calves when you change the position of your feet. I know, women!!! I know it has a name, just not sure what it is. I did 4 reps of 10 each on both calves and thighs. Oops, I also did my Group Power class as well. Don't tell anyone, shhhhhhhhhhh, they tell me not to do that twice in a row. Hope you have a great weekend.