Muscle weighs more than fat???
Actually, a pound of muscle weight about 1.25 pounds.
Just kidding!
What it means is that volume for volume, muscle weighs more than fat. So, if you lose 50 cc (cubic centimeters) of fat and put on 50cc of muscle, you'll have gained weight.
A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead, but you'd look different wearing them around your body, right? You might not notice the pound of lead, but the feathers would make you look.... Well, silly, but that's not my point.
Also, muscle requires more energy during the day to maintain, so your general metabolic burn rate will go up. 50cc of fat takes less energy to maintain than 50cc of muscle. The muscle burns more energy while you're sitting on your butt in front of the TV.
So, at the beginning stages of excercise when you might not see much change in your weight even though you're building muscle you can see and feel, that's why.
And how did you know I was wearing 200 pounds of feathers?
A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)