I need to run a mile ASAP!!
See if they will let you run it on a treadmill. Seems to be a bit easier to run on a treadmill...Also just get on the treadmill and walk at a good pace for a few days....it gets easier and easier everyday. When I started this adventure I felt good to walk a mile in 20 minutes.....I am now doing them in about 7:30....just start walking....walking will lead to jogging....jogging to running....and best of luck.
Hey guy,
You didn't say exactly what kind of condition you're in. 11 min mile is not that bad about 5.45 mph pace. Some people can do that fast walking.
I'm not sure of how much time you have but I'd start walking alternating with jogging. Just walk a block, jog a block kind of thing. Gradually jog more and walk less.
Good luck.

Hi Bro,
When I began this journey I lost about 40 pounds before I began to run/jog. It's important to LEARN how to do it verses just getting out there and "running". If you try to do that your going to hurt yourself.
I can run a mile in 13 minutes. Being a man......you CAN run a mile in 11 minutes but doing it right off is really REALLY asking alot of a body that hasn't performed physically like that in as you said 12 years.
The best way to begin to run again is to start off walking at a quick pace, do it everyday and add on distance and pace by week. Then start jogging but only jog for 5 to7 minute intervals at a time, then slow down to fast pace for a while, then jog gain.
Make sure before doing any of it you buy THE BEST pair of running shoes that you can afford to buy. Don't go cheap on those. Try on different brands, don't go with the most popular like NIKE just because it's Nike. Try on Asics, New Balance, Reebok...make sure they have a return policy and take them to a gym and give them a workout on a treadmill. IF your feet hurt...they are not the shoe for you. Bad shoes will be the first thing that will cause you injury. Also, pace is important and the best way to get a pace I've found is good music. An IPOD loaded with tunes with a good beat will help more than you can imagine with regard to time spent actually running. Make sure your doctor agrees with the plan.
The good news is...once you begin to run/jog....you'll love it and the weight comes off quicker.
Good luck with running AND the new opportunity.
All the best